Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Charter of the Virginia Company of London

The Charter of the Virginia Company of London

Gots me dis story from me Great Gramps n’ he’a seyz ‘e gots it direct from Old Archdale who traveled round Virgini wit Jametown John and some other folks. Dat generation of Jametown wuz encourage to gro up and find ‘emselves places ta settle. Jamestown John ‘is ownselve a-tolls dis story firs’:

Ye Olde London Company as John‘oulda called it wuz a-made by His Majesty’s Royal Charter! New World exploration coupled wit’ the ‘magination a-dem explorers, da royal court and dem entrepreneurial type folk made it a-clears dare’uz real advantage and wealth for da King his-self if-en America got-za settled. This a-company wuz formed bout 1606 ta pays for the settlements in America and a-makes ‘em succeed. They’uz ‘posed ta provides-a profits from da barterin’ twix dem England folk. Dis Charta allowed ‘em to beez a-settling between 34 degrees and 41 degrees north latitude, ors sumtin alongs dem lines, on da Atlantic in d’Americas.  Da Company wuz dis English joint stock company. Lots of da money a-come from what daysa sayin wuz adventure funds from the Great Livery Companies of London. 

Ha-ha, da fancy Worshipful Company of Drapers wuz one a-da companies wit the money. Dis company goes a-ways back ta medieval times and stills round taday.  Da company’uz-a made ways back ‘n 12th Century probably and gots its royal charter ways later, maybe ‘n da 1360s. Ours-own family’as ties to the Draper’s Guild ‘n da 16th or 17th Centuries.  

John Combe, Thomas Archdale, and Thomas’ Brother Matthew had paid livery wan to the queen entering the livery of the Draper’s Company in 1598. John paid livery wan to the queen again, in 1604 and yet again in 1606.  Also in 1606, the London Company was formed for the purpose of establishing successful settlements in America and building profitable trade with England. John was active player in the establishment of the London Company. DS DT M

‘n 1609, John Combe, the Merchant of London and prolly a-one a-our kin, wuz at da historic meeting of the Court of Assistants at the Draper’s Company and some kindza order comes down from da Mayor uz London asking for some money for da big-o plantation in Gini. John Combe wuz one a-dem ten men who invested five pounds (‘ats what ‘em English folk a-called money) each ta be a-spent on da voyage for the plantation in Gini. Da company itzownself ‘vested anotha’ 100 pounds.

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