Saturday, June 28, 2014

John Smith and Jamestown, Virginia 1607-1609

John Smith and Jamestown, Virginia 1607-1609

All a me’s Uncles and me’s Great Gramps a-told dis story oer n oer agin! Dun’t ‘amember Great Gramps a tellin’ it but I’za sure ‘e did!

‘n 1607, Jamestown’uz a-settled by three shiploads a-da London Company colonists (all-s’m wuz men, might a-seyz “gentlemen” who ern’t so used ta hard workin’ ors life in-a da sticks). Da only real man’uz John Smith who’uz picked ta be da leader in da colony a early on. He’z a writa, explora, map make-a, a soldier and a whole bunch a utter stuff. Hell, he wrote advertisements ‘bout da new world n stuff.

Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labour and land... If he have nothing but his hands, he industrie quickly grow rich.
John Smith

Dem settlers chose a place on da banks of da river what they’ze named da James fer da King. Dat’s where da name Jamestown come from.

Dem colonists found life pret tough, more harder than they’uz ‘spectin’ and most-a these gentlemen wuz pert’ lazy. They’uz even attacked by Injuns a very first day they’uz there. The land was real low and marshy and wit mosquitoes a-plenty! Most-o ‘em colonists wuz-a struck wit da fever and afore long bout half a ‘em had died. Smith could see a handwritin’ on da wall and took charge. He seyz that “any man who would not work should not eat!” A few went hungry for a bit afore everyone suddenly a started ta contribute. Dis’uz da same ol’ John Smith who’d a be takens prisoner by Chief Powhatan who’uz prepared to kill ol’ John til da Chief’s daughter, Pocahontas, asked her pops ta spare ‘im.

Powhatan promised-a help dem English folk by sendin’ corn to ‘em ta use during the winter. Lotso dem settlers did make it through the first winter buts nowhere close ta all a ‘em!

Da second shipload men folk arrived and wuz no more enthusiastic than da first group. Dat Injun chief was a-worried ‘is whole tribe’d be a-driven away from da huntin’ grounds as the colony a-got bigger. ‘e declared da Injuns’d supply no more a da corn! John knew da colonists’uz gonna starve real soon. John’uz a brave man and ‘e marched on dem Injuns wit only 40 men and confronts em. He threatens a kill the chief’s brother right in front of Powhatan. Afraid his brother’s life would be ova Powhatan seyz OK - more corn for dem Englishmen. In da summer of 1609, John gotz himself all injured up on-a exploration into da sticks; he’uz real severe burnt n ‘ad ta return to England ta get fixed up. Wit da Captain gone, da shi’ a-happened n’ dem English wouldn’t work nor more, food became real scarce n’ da Indjuns wouldn’t help none, da population growin’ as seven more shiploads of folks wus a comin’ in. N’ wheres-a da supplies?

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