Saturday, June 28, 2014

Letter from GGGramps Jer...

Mr Jeremiah Lorenzo Combs Junior
Post Office Carr’s Fork, Kentucky
The 3rd Day of March in the year of our Lord 1862
My Dear Mr Bruce Alexander Harris

Thank ya fer a-askin’. I’us a real sorry yer Great Gramps Andy or Grandpap Cullen dun’t a-git deas lore stories to yer generation but I’za real sure they’uz all a-workin’ reals hard in dem hills yer Mama a-growd up in. I’za real glad ta ‘ear she’uz still a single woman a-when she went a leavin’ Kentuck! Yous knows, I mean yer Mama, an 11 years old woman in yer’s time dudn’t sounds like should otta be a marryin’. Ain’t it ‘mazin’ how the times keep changin’!

Speakin’ of ‘mazin’, It shore be dat …dat you done wuz able ta tell me the stories dun’t a-make it to ya as we was always a sharin’ da stories ‘round the camp fires and bond fires er’ chance we’uz a-havin’. Me Uncles wuz the most talkative folk I er’ knowd! Me Gramps too!

Wells I gotza stories clear on back ta the beginin’ a time amost! Some-ada real old story’re passed down so many times they prolly ain’t real close ta fact but then agin we’ze a been a ‘earin’ sos much o’r da years we’uz really all believin’ ‘em.

I’za hopin’ y’all’s enjoys ‘em n’ shares em! I’za thinkin’ you been chosen ta do it!

Your Lovin’ Great Great Gramps

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