Saturday, June 28, 2014

Tales of Ol' Gini

Tales of Old Gini

In the words of Jeremiah Lorenzo Combs Junior
By Bruce Alexander Harris

Jeremiah was around in the early 19th Century up to the Civil War but was fortunate enough to hear all the Family Lore and made a hobby of collecting it so we could have the pleasure of hearing it. To this day he lives on in spirit and passes on more and more of the early lore that was passed from generation to generation by word of mouth. Fortunately from time to time he pays me a visit just so I can put his words into an everlasting record that you can share with your children. I asked him what he’d heard about the Old Virginians in the Family! Be clear he wasn’t there and the stories passed through gererations before he even heard them!!!

Oh hell yeah I gots me the stories! Sho-nuf I wuttent there but I gots the stories. Ya knows me Great-Grandpa was Kentuck John right? Him and ‘is boys wuz the ones a-made y’all ends up in Kentuck but they brought wit ‘em the stories of how it all got-a started in the old Colony. Let me tell ya a few them stories as y’all jus a thinkin’ they’uz a wild backward bunch a folk butcha knows sumtin’, dem folk in the Old Colony wuz a lot more refined den me even! Jamestown John even told stories about the Colony he’uz a-hearin’ ‘at happened afore ‘e even gots there his ownself! All deez stories I gots from me Great-Grandpa, me Gramps and me Pop. Afore Great Gramps was Mason, afore dat wuz Mason’s Pa, John, who’uz actually borne ta Old Archdale. It dudn’t seem Old Archdale wuz borne ta Jamestown John but the stories I-a-heard had ‘em a-hangin’ out tagether quite a bit-o da time.

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